I started to develop problems after I suddenly started biking large amounts on top of my regular Parkour training. This was purely for travel and trying to save a bit of cash! I was cycling around 8 or 9 hours a week and having two heavy leg workouts a week. (including pistols - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWjaAZ-yzU0) The weekends usualy consisted of 1 hours ride up to Leicester Uni, 6 or so hours technical training and 1 hours bike home. Over two months I developed a few aches and pains from over-training but it wasn't until after our pilgrimage to Lisses and a week of solid training that I really sat up and noticed that something wasn't right. ( To quote Blane, "I've worked out that we trained for just under 60 hours of a possible 154!"," it truly was a case of doing nothing but eating, sleeping and training our asses off.")
I never reached the point where it would seriously effect each individual training session. After I had warmed up and got going it was fine, but there was always a feeling that I was working through the pain and as such, just causing more problems with each session.
My main concern was a dull deep down pain in my knee. Later I learned that this was caused by cycling and repetitive motions. Every now and again I would get a slightly more distinct pain at the top or bottom of my knee cap as well as on the inside of my legs where the Femur (thigh Bone) meets the Tibia (shin bone - See image below). These problems were caused by the stresses and strains of Parkour and many Pistols! The pain was mainly in my left knee as this is my weaker side and could take less strain.
My issue was one of simply over-training the whole knee. As such, I think I had most knee problems going! If only in small amounts! Anyway, lets start with some basic science.
The structure of the knee joint
Knee muscles and tendons

After some research I discovered this site.
There is a wealth of information on there and if you have knee trouble, the chances are that you can find out what it is from this site. Below I've linked the information that helped me as it might help others in a similar situation.
I narrowed down the deep pain from cycling to this - Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. In this case, caused by rubbing under the knee cap.
I also has some mild pains at the top and bottom of my knee cap and on the inside of my knee where the two bones meet. These were caused by inflammation of the tendons that join muscle to bone and hold the whole joint together. They take a lot of strain, especially in sports with lots of jumping and running (such as Parkour) and with deep knee bends (such as Pistols)
Jumpers Knee
"Inflammation of the quadriceps insertion"
Medial Cartilage Meniscus Injury - (This was never really a problem, but I did have the occasional pain here so I thought I'd put it in)
Rest! :p I completely stopped cycling, stopped training pistols and cut back 90 percent on practicing precisions and taking any impact or deep leg bends that put pressure on the knee for 3 or 4 weeks. My focus was on developing strength in other areas whilst doing plenty of balance and low impact movements as well as climb-ups etc. I spent more time stretching to improve flexibility and to remove any tension in the joint and every now and again would ice the sore areas of my knee.
Even after the deep pain from cycling faded there was still a sense of discomfort deep in the knee. I discovered this was down to slightly poor alignment of the knee cap. I think this was also from cycling, but I can't be 100% sure. Anyway here is some MORE information on that problem...
Here are a few very effective corrective exercises that I've discovered from both friends and research.
1 - Sit down on a chair, straighten your legs out in front of you and tense your quads. Watch your knees and you will see your quads pull your knee cap into the correct position. Tense them for blocks of 10 seconds and repeat 10 or 12 times. You can do this through out the day.
2 - Sit on a chair with your knees bent at 90 degrees. With either a tennis ball or your fist between your knees, squeeze them together for 30 seconds and repeat 3 or 4 times.
I did these for just 2 or 3 days before the discomfort disappeared completely!
Another thing that I found useful in recovery was simple mobility exercises with my knees. I found that this helped to keep my knees warm and active without strain. It just made my knees feel healthier and it stopped them from clicking for a while too!
1 - Lay on your front and bend your knees. This isolates the joint allowing it to move free without stress. (And makes you look like a plonker!) Bend your legs up to your ass, or make circle motions with your foot or whatever! Make it up as you go! If your knees do crack when you do this, don't keep cracking them! Move your leg up to the point where it will crack and then move it back again, repeating this gradually to increase the range of motion.
2 - Same as before, but sitting on your butt with your feet and back off of the floor. The only difference is that this doesn't isolate your knee and you use your whole leg.
I'll cut off here as this is getting pretty long! I'll leave it until my next post to explain what I did to toughen up my legs ready for full-on training.
The 2nd part should be a good read :)
Firstly, glad to hear everything is right as rain :)
secondly, i have had exactly these problems!! at the time i was placing alot of stress on my knees, throwing in cycling, presicion drills and many squats into training. Iam glad someone else has experianced this (not in a negative way of course).
Thanks for posting this up. :)
all the best matey, peace!
sounds great. I think i had something similar to what your problem was. I tried everything out resting light excersizing everything it just didn't get better or it got worse. One day i startted streching working a lot on flexibility it was gone. Good luck have fun.
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It is very interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Bella Simpson
24 escort
This blog has really helped me with exercises :) Thanks alot ^^
got one question though, I hope you may answer.
I managed to injure one meniscus when doing a superman somersault. I had to remove 90% of it last monday during surgery...Will I ever do parkour again? I've been really scared and been thinking alot about it. So hope you can answer :)
Thank you sooo much for this, I do parkour, and have cracky, and somewhat painful knees. Thank you for these exercises, you are a lifesaver.
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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